About Me

Hello, my name is Sequoia Sanders.
Here are some fun facts about me :
*Grew up in Central Texas.
*Have 4 children, 3 have graduated from Slocum ISD and my youngest is in High School.
*Have 4 grandchildren.
*Have lived in Slocum for over 20 years .
*Worship and serve at Lakeside Baptist Church in Elkhart where I am the Pre K thru 1st grade Sunday school teacher.
I am so blessed to be working with your children, along side of Mrs.Barnett here at Elkhart Elementary and Intermediate in the Math and Reading RTI department.
I am  excited to have your child in our class and will do my very best in helping them work towards all of their goals.
Thank you for allowing me to be a part of their growth in learning.
Sequoia Sanders 
RTI Math/Reading Para.
Let all that you do be done in love.