Character Guidance
Welcome to our Character Guidance Information Page! My name is Susan Trim. I have been a part of the Elkhart Elementary school family for over 31 years. I fill the role of Counselor’s Assistant to Mrs. Kelly Smith. Among my job duties, I serve as the Character Guidance Teacher for our campus. Elkhart Elementary has added this class as a tool in helping our students develop positive character traits. We focus on a different character trait during each of the six designated time periods. They are…
August, September: RESPECT (yellow star)
We focus on…
- “The Golden Rule” – Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. We are all a part of our school family.
-Using our words to help others, not hurt them.
-Showing respect in our halls, classrooms, cafeteria, restroom, playground, busses, etc.
August, September: RESPECT (yellow star)
We focus on…
- “The Golden Rule” – Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. We are all a part of our school family.
-Using our words to help others, not hurt them.
-Showing respect in our halls, classrooms, cafeteria, restroom, playground, busses, etc.
October: Citizenship (purple star)
We focus on…
-Respecting our pledges and flags.
-Obeying our rules and laws.
-Being a good neighbor wherever we are.
-Volunteering to help others.
-Taking care of our Earth.
-Helping ourselves and others in everything we do.
-Working together to achieve a goal.
November, December: Responsibility (green star)
We focus on…
-Practicing self-control, patience, and finishing our work without being told.
-Doing our best. Keep trying and put forth our best effort.
-Completing tasks. Finish what we start.
-Setting goals such as dreaming BIG about what we want to be when we grow up and which college/school is available to train us. The journey in making these goals happen is a lot of work, but it is worth all of the effort when we achieve them.
-Expressing our feelings, needs, and wants in appropriate ways.
-Admitting our mistakes.
-Practicing good health habits by keeping clean, exercising, eating right, and picking up after ourselves.
-Keeping ourselves safe.
January: Caring (red star)
We focus on …
-Caring for and loving others
February, March: Trustworthiness (blue star)
We focus on…
-trust, trustworthy, trustworthiness
-tattling or telling
-promise keeping
April, May: Fairness (orange star)
We focus on...
-Knowing both sides of the story.
-Recognizing the human dignity in everyone.
-Avoiding participation in gossip or in putting others down.
-Treating others the way you want to be treated.
-Avoiding cheating and lying.
-Following the rules at home and in school.
Each lesson has age appropriate life lessons, songs ,literature, and activities that promote that particular character trait in our students. Each character trait also has a chant/cheer that reinforces the concept also.
Character Wall
All Elkhart Elementary school staff observes our students throughout the six weeks period and sends me an email telling which child portrayed the targeted character trait and how this was achieved. A star with that information is placed outside the Character Guidance classroom for all to enjoy. Each child earning a star is recognized at our assembly each week. Next time you are visiting the elementary campus, check out our Character Wall of Honor! We are so proud of the many ways our students show that they are Kids With Character!
Character Lunch
Towards the end of each designated time period, a student from each classroom is selected from the Character Wall. These students are invited to eat their lunch with me at a special decorated table in the cafeteria. The students will also enjoy a treat made especially for them.
Our goal at Elkhart Elementary School is to provide the training necessary for each of our students so they understand what makes a true Kid With Character. We believe that good character is a life skill that will enhance their lives long after they graduate from Elkhart ISD. You, as their families, have such an impact in their futures and we are proud to partner with you in this endeavor.
Character Wall
All Elkhart Elementary school staff observes our students throughout the six weeks period and sends me an email telling which child portrayed the targeted character trait and how this was achieved. A star with that information is placed outside the Character Guidance classroom for all to enjoy. Each child earning a star is recognized at our assembly each week. Next time you are visiting the elementary campus, check out our Character Wall of Honor! We are so proud of the many ways our students show that they are Kids With Character!
Character Lunch
Towards the end of each designated time period, a student from each classroom is selected from the Character Wall. These students are invited to eat their lunch with me at a special decorated table in the cafeteria. The students will also enjoy a treat made especially for them.
Our goal at Elkhart Elementary School is to provide the training necessary for each of our students so they understand what makes a true Kid With Character. We believe that good character is a life skill that will enhance their lives long after they graduate from Elkhart ISD. You, as their families, have such an impact in their futures and we are proud to partner with you in this endeavor.